Fans of Firefly, Joss Whedon's science fiction series set 500 years from now in a terraformed solar system ruled by a Chinese-American political alliance and a very large corporation called Blue Sun, will get a kick out of the map below. First, here's the flag of the Alliance, courtesy Flags of the World. It's based on one that appears on a crate of medical supplies in the "Train Job" episode.
Here's a piece of fanfic:
Wash: "Okay, smart guy, who was the greatest president of the 20th century?"
Jayne: "Richard.....Dixon?"
Wash: "Because?"
Jayne: "He discovered China?"
The series got cancelled before the writers did much with Blue Sun, but the set dressers had a lot of fun stencilling its logo on containers, t-shirts, etc. It had clearly cornered the market on the retail sector.
Wal-Mart is a very large corporation that has pretty much cornered the retail market in North America. If you went back to 1975 and tried to explain to people how huge it would become, and how it would pretty much wipe out every Mom and Pop retailer on the continent, they'd look at you like you were talking science fiction. Here's a map of Wal-Mart's supplier's, care of via The Map Room.