Unarigoe is a manga drawn by Douglas McLeod about a trio of freshman roommates at a fictional university in Hokkaido called Abashiri Daigaku. The story takes place in the year preceding the Abashiri-Westmorland Exchange Semester on Maritime English story in the Evangeline Brandt comics. The campus of Abashiri Daigaku is loosely based on the actual Abashiri Prison Museum.
The main characters are:
Moriko Mori, from Osaka, who has a distinctive head of white hair as the result of being frightened by a bear when she was a small child. She is by turns timid and agressive, and has unresolved bear issues.
Akiko Inoue, Moriko's laidback but surprisingly well-informed roommate, who knew Moriko as a gradeschooler in Fukuoka. She wears a cardigan and is usually shown with her hair falling over her face.
Makiko Ishita, their other, more prickly, roommate. She has glasses and braids, but otherwise resembles Akiko and may indeed be her half-sister. Beneath the cranky exterior she is a goof.
Other characters:
Lady Mokuzai, a Heian ghost who inhabits the woodwork in the student residence.
The Dean of Humanities, an Italian woman who speaks no Japanese. She is always shown in a sun hat and a summer dress.
Moriko's Mom, who sends a food parcel every day.
Grandma, caretaker of the Clubs and Circles Building, and coach of the women's soccer team.
Various yakuza and henchmen. Various students.
The word unarigoe means growl. It is properly written うなり声, but the title of the manga presents it entirely in hiragana (うなりごえ) and in romaji.
To read Unarigoe in the right order, follow these links: