Hockey Matches -- The Ottawa Hockey Club played two matches at the Montreal Carnival, one yesterday morning and the other this forenoon. The local club was defeated after a hard struggle by the McGill College club, but this morning the Ottawas defeated the Victorias. Kirby and Green played magnificently. (Ottawa Free Press, Friday, February 8, 1884.)
Ottawa vs. Victoria.
The Victoria and Ottawa Hockey Clubs played a match at the Montreal Carnival and as stated in yesterday's issue, the Ottawas came out victorious. The match is described by a local paper as follows: The students of McGill surrounded the rink in large numbers, and by their actions showed that they were entirely in sympathy with the Ottawas. It was apparent from the start that both teams were determined to fight hard for victory. Messrs. Jenkins and Chas. Radiger were the umpires, and John Elder, captain of the McGill team, referee. For over twenty minutes during the first half hour there was some beautiful play on both sides. There was a considerable amount of checking, but nothing that could be called rough play was to be seen. The greatest good nature existed among the players, even when by accident in a melee a stick would fly up and catch some one of the contestants in the eye. The Ottawas, however, played well together, and making a great effort rushed the rubber down to within ten feet of the Victorias' goal, a scrimmage ensued, the players straining every nerve, the one to put the ball through, the other to save their goal. "Go it Ottawa," "Rush it through," shouted the McGill students, and with a shout that was as wild as an Indian's war-whoop, the Ottawas closed together and sent the ball through the Victorias' goal. The students cheered and cheered again at this victory for Ottawa, but the encouragement to their opponents did not dampen the spirits of the Victorias. On the call for the second half hour's play the "Vics" came to the front as full of fight as ever, and during the whole thirty minutes placed the Ottawas on the defensive. Green, who held the Ottawas' goal, was like a stone wall, and strive as the Victorias might they were unable to get the ball past him. The whole half hour was played with sharpness and spirit, and on time being called neither side had gained a goal. The result of the trial was in favor of Ottawa with one goal. (Ottawa Free Press, Saturday, February 9, 1884.)
The Ottawa Defeat the McGill Club
The McGills and Ottawa met for the second time at the Montreal Carnival on Saturday. Mr. W.R. Blythe was umpire for the Ottawas, and Mr. J. Arthur for the McGills, and Mr. Larmont acted as referee. It was seen from the very first that the Ottawas were playing a better game than they did on Thursday; indeed, so strongly did they play that when half time was called they had two goals to their credit, both of which were taken by Jenkins, while the McGills had none. After a short rest the game recommenced, and although things look pretty blue for the McGills they went to work with the determination to change the aspect of affairs. For a while they kept the ball near the Ottawa goals but Kerr got away with it and made a splendid run, bringing the ball right up to the McGill goals. His shot was stopped by Hutchinson, but Kirby who had followed up the ball, secured it and before Hutchinson had recovered himself had sent it flying between the poles, thus securing the third game for the Ottawas. When time was called the Ottawas were declared winners by three goals to none. They played a magnificent game throughout, playing well together, and following the ball up far better than the McGill team. The best forward playing was done by Kirby and Jenkins, who time and again rushed the ball through the McGill forwards and placed them on the defensive. Their defence was also very strong, but it was not called very much into play until near the end of the game. The play all round was rather rougher than on Thursday, and fouls were of frequent occurence, but the best feeling prevailed between the men, and they cheered each other heartily at the finish.
The following despatch was received this morning:
To the Editor of the Free Press.
Montreal, February 11:--- Kindly insert the following notice:--- "Ottawa Hockey team is detained till Monday, to play off tie."
A. Sims.
Chairman Outdoor Sports Committee
Geo. R. Stark
Hon. Secretary Carnival Committee
(Ottawa Free Press, Monday, February 11, 1884)
VICTORIOUS -- The Ottawa Hockey Club defeated the Victorias yesterday thereby winning the Montreal hockey competition.
(Ottawa Free Press, Tuesday, February 12, 1884.)